With the intention of promoting books and reading as a reference for the occupation of the free time of the elderly, empowering them with new forms of contact with the world of literature and writing, the project SPACE S(énior), which is about to celebrate 10 years of activity, aims to attract new readers and promote new habits among this age group.
For this purpose, and inserted in the axis +Reading+65active, of the Local Reading Plan, the Municipal Library Camilo Castelo Branco decided to create a service of home reading support which will be materialised through “library-boxes” and which will be placed at the disposal of the institutions for the elderly in the municipality.
This initiative will work with resource to the municipal Bibliomóvel that will assure, every two months, the itinerancy of the library-boxes between the adherent institutions.
This way, the institutions will periodically receive, as a loan, this new public reading service and will enjoy, with all the comfort of their spaces, a collection of books, DVDs and CDs, previously selected by the Camilo Castelo Branco Municipal Library.
After the registration deadline, Engenho – East Valley Local Development Association, Mais Plural, Associação Gerações, Ruivães Parish Social Centre, Ribeirão Social and Parish Centre and S. Miguel de Ceide Social and Parish Centre joined this initiative
Text by Maria Joâo Silva
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