Naple Sister Libraries

National authorities on public libraries in europe


Edinburgh City Libraries

News from the NAPLE sistership between Iisalmi City Library and Edinburgh Libraries

Iisalmi City Library (Finland) and Edinburgh Libraries (Scotland) have been NAPLE Sister Libraries since the beginning of 2019. The correspondence between libraries has been active and we have been keeping in touch with emails and Skype meetings. We have also… Continue Reading →

New Sistership! Edinburgh City Libraries (Scotland) – Iisalmi City Library (Finland)

We are very happy to announce a new sistership in the Program: Edinburgh City Libraries (Scotland) is now connected with Iisalmi City Library (Finland). They’ve connected via Skype to discuss the activities they’ll be developing in cooperation. With this new… Continue Reading →

The Edinburgh Fiction Map, an activity from Edinburgh City Libraries

Edinburgh Libraries’ Digital Team have created a Fiction Map of their city. Using the Google Map interface, they have pinpointed stories where they intersect with places in Edinburgh. They’ve discovered that this is a really popular tool for people to discover new… Continue Reading →

Libraries Without Sisters!!

We have thought it would be a good idea to publish a list of the libraries which don’t have a sister yet so that they can be easily checked by anyone interested in being their sisters. We will update this… Continue Reading →

Edinburgh City Libraries Nominated for the Connect Awards

We have good news today! Liz McGettigan from Edinburgh City Libraries, Scotland, informs us that they are nominated for 4 categories of the Connect Awards. Edinburgh City Libraries and Information ICT Team are finalists for the Connect Citizen Award, Connect Innovate Award,… Continue Reading →

Meet our Libraries: New Pictures from Edinburgh City Libraries

Today we have new pictures from our latest library in the programme: Edinburgh City Libraries! Remember that they are looking for sister libraries in any of the participating countries! As always, you will find some more pictures under their name… Continue Reading →

First Scottish Library in NAPLE!

Today we welcome Edinburgh City Libraries to NAPLE Sister Libraries! It is the first Scottish library to participate in the programme! Edinburgh City Libraries ( @TalesOfOneCity on Twitter) are willing to have sister libraries in any country in the programme and… Continue Reading →

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