The European Mobility Week was established in 2002. It’s an innitiative to improve the quality of life in Europe by promoting “clean mobility and sustainable urban transport”. Walk with us! is this year’s motto and the activities took place between… Continue Reading →
In summer, we all like to have time to read. For a good and interesting summer reading we have prepared special surprises for our readers. These are secret packages of books, which we have named them Cat in a Sack…. Continue Reading →
A few weeks ago we achieved 100 public libraries in the program. to commemorate it, we asked all the libraries in the program to send us a video that’ll show their thoughts about the program, their personal experience or a… Continue Reading →
Library by the water In the summer months the possibility of reading is provided for the visitors of Kolezija and Kodeljevo waterparks. At each swimming pool they can choose from 200 books and journals, especially selected for adults, adolescents and… Continue Reading →
Those of you who read this blog regularly are probably familiarised with the project LinkINjob, an innitiative in which two of our sisters (Ljubljana City Library and Kaunas County Public Library) are participating, along with five other European public libraries. The full name of the project… Continue Reading →
It’s summertime and libraries adapt to the customs of this season. People have more spare time and libraries take advantage of it, taking their collections out of the library building and into parks, beaches and pools. One of our sister… Continue Reading →
Mobile library is part of Ljubljana City Library (LCL) and has been successfully included in different LCL events and projects. In the last few years we have paid special attention to the youngest target group. We organize special events and… Continue Reading →
Each year in June Ljubljana City Library (LCL) celebrates The LCL Day during which the awards at the conclusion of the Reading City project are granted. This year the event took place on 12th of June in the old city… Continue Reading →
Simona Resman, from Ljubljana City Library, sends some information about this interesting project they’ve been working at since last year along with her sister, Kaunas County Public Library (Lithuania) and 5 more partners. LinkINjob: job-hunting with the help of librarians… Continue Reading →
Ljubljana City Library published some information about Sister Libraries Day 2014 at their news carousel, adding information about their Employment Information Service, which they presented at IFLA. They’ve also designed a poster with this year’s slogan, “Library full of dreams – Inmerse yourself!”… Continue Reading →
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