We’ve recieved a very interesting activity developed by 2 pairs of Sisters, 4 libraries (2 from Spain and 2 from Croatia) for Christmas. Croatian Prelog City Library and Vodice Public Library have came to an agreement with Castropol Municipal Library… Continue Reading →
A few weeks ago we published a post about the activity “Work in Libraries”, designed by 4 Sister Libraries to celebrate the International Book Day. The goal was to give visibility to the work of the librarians. Maja Lesinger, one… Continue Reading →
Four libraries in the program have joined together to develop an activity to celebrate the International Book Day 2019. These libraries are: Castropol Municipal library (Spain) and its Sister Prelog Municipal Library (Croatia) and Vodice Public Library (Croatia) and its… Continue Reading →
The partnership between Vega-La Camocha Municipal Library (Spain) and Vodice Public Library (Croatia) continues with new activities 1 year after they agreed to work together. Both of them have strong links with the Primary School of their communities. The partnership… Continue Reading →
Sister Libraries Vega-La Camocha Municipal Library (Spain) and Vodice Public Library (Croatia) started their partnership last 23th May, 2017 and started working in a summer activity right away. The result was the Summer Reading Challenge, of which we told you… Continue Reading →
Temperatures are rising above 30° Celsius and Vodice Public Library has put together a list of recommended titles for summer reading, where everyone will find something for themselves: Recommendations for adults. In addition, throughout the summer in the multimedia hall… Continue Reading →
The exhibition “Valovi topline” (Heat waves) was opened in Vodice Public Library on July 14th. This is the twelfth exhibition organized by members of the Hungarian art colony “Sarlot Lavanda” that is being held in our library in the last… Continue Reading →
Spanish Vega-La Camocha Municipal Library has sent us this information about the first activity they’ve designed, making use of their sistership with Vodice Public Library (Croatia). We announced the partnership of these libraries last 23th May and this is the… Continue Reading →
We are very happy to announce a new sistership in the Program Vega-La Camocha Municipal Library (Spain) is now connected with Vodice Public Library, last Croatian library to join the program. We’ll inform through this blog about the specific activities they’ll… Continue Reading →
We are very happy to announce that we have another new library in the programme, the 17th Croatian library to join NAPLE Sister Libraries. Vodice Public Library is the information, education and cultural center of a small Croatian town in… Continue Reading →
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