We’ve recieved a very interesting activity developed by 2 pairs of Sisters, 4 libraries (2 from Spain and 2 from Croatia) for Christmas.
Croatian Prelog City Library and Vodice Public Library have came to an agreement with Castropol Municipal Library and Vega-La Camocha Municipal Library (from Spain) to design and interesting program to give visibility to their libraries. it consists of various actions:
Campaign in Social networks. Hasthtag #Naplesisterlibraries #librariesinchristmas #bibliotecasennavidad #knjižnicezabožić showing representative images of what happens at Christmas in our libraries: decoration, special activities, books exhibitions, drunk librarians sleeping, etcetera (healthy and learned way of life), etc.
Proposal of Dates: December 16th to January 7th (It may be a long time …)
Christmas in our countries – Bookmarks. Displaying of Christmas topics of each country, through bookmarks with images representative of the celebration of Christmas in our respective countries. Each library can make several designs that will be sent in pdf format to the rest of the libraries so that they can print them and give them to patrons and users. Examples: family meetings, meals, gifts, and all that crap.
Proposal of dates: design and sending by e-mail from December 1st to 15th, delivery from the 15th.
Staff greeting card for patrons, users and sisters
Proposal dates: to send before December the 20th
Quizz or Kahoot with questions about Christmas in our respective countries.
Proposal of dates: sending enough questions and answers before December the 15th. Spanish and Croatians could coordinate between us to choose questions and not repeat them. Free dates and free format (at the library, online, at school, at the pub, wherever…
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