Naple Sister Libraries

National authorities on public libraries in europe



Scientific and professional conference “Cultural Heritage Ujević” at City Library Don Mihovil Pavlinovic (Croatia)

Today we report on an interesting conference held at City Library Don Mihovil Pavlinovic in December: The consultation was opened by Ph.D. Darko Ujević, editor-in-chief and leader, who as a prominent scientist, founded this now famous consultancy in 2010. In… Continue Reading →

Interview with rural librarian Maja Lesinger

World Rural Women’s Day was celebrated on October 15. From the NAPLE Sister Libraries program, we want to make visible the work of women professionals in rural libraries. We celebrate the day through the rural libraries that are part of… Continue Reading →

Cooperation activities: Book Day and Night 2023 from Prelog Municipal Library (Croatia)

This year’s Book Day/Book Night event in Croatian libraries was celebrated with the theme heading “Do robots dream of electric books?”. It was conceived to question the phenomenon of artificial intelligence, which is slowly but surely bringing changes to the… Continue Reading →

Reviving local myths and legend from Prelog Municipal Library (Croatia)

Prelog is a small town in the north of Croatia. The fast and lively Drava River left an immeasurable mark on the spiritual, secular, economic and urban aspects of the life of the it’s people. In addition to the river,… Continue Reading →

International Woman’s Day in Public library “Viktor Car Emin” Opatija (Croatia)

Public Library “Viktor Car Emin” Opatija and her branch libraries: Library Kastav, Library Matulji, Library Lovran and Library Mošćenička Draga celebrated this year International Woman’s Day by providing free membership to those women who are not been library members so… Continue Reading →

The Snow Queen storyteller from Public Library Kutina (Croatia)

Our colleague Suzana Pomper has sending photos of storytelling for children at Public Libray Kutina. Snow queen was reading stories to preschool children. The name of the story is First christmas trip (Prvo božićno putovanje) and the author is Kašmir Huseinovi…. Continue Reading →

Four-way collaboration between two Croatian and two Spanish libraries

Today we have great news that we want to share with you. A collaboration between 4 libraries. It´s the first time in the NAPLE Sister Libraries programme that 4 libraries establish a collaboration between them. The libraries involved are: Knjiznica… Continue Reading →

Project “Latice“ at the library – distance is not an issue

Public Library “Fran Galovic” Koprivnica is well known for its programs created for vulnerable social groups such as blind and visually impaired, elderly, unemployed, and programs for Roma people which have been awarded international prizes. Since 2008, our library cooperates… Continue Reading →

Prelog Municipal Library wins EIFL Award with a program to teach digital and financial skills to children

For the fourth time since the NAPLE Sister Libraries program was launched, a library in the program has won the prestigious EIFL Public Library Innovation Awards, open to all public and community libraries in developing and transition countries. The calls… Continue Reading →

Christmas at the Library: a cooperation activity designed by four Sister Libraries

We’ve recieved a very interesting activity developed by 2 pairs of Sisters, 4 libraries (2 from Spain and 2 from Croatia) for Christmas. Croatian Prelog City Library and Vodice Public Library have came to an agreement with Castropol Municipal Library… Continue Reading →

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