Today we have some very complete news sent by Marija Kraljević from the  City Library Ilok, in Croatia about their recent activities!:

Since November 2012 our library is involved in CROSS-Border Programme by EU. The activities of this programme are focused on building libraries capacities and support to cross-border exchange of experiences and knowledge between Croatian and Serbian libraries .

The libraries involved in this project received adequate ICT equipment, also the librarians attended The e-Librarian trainings in order to be trained to provide educative courses.

As result of this training new services were piloted in the libraries for marginalized groups -unemployed youth, persons with disabilities and elderly citizens. They have had the opportunity to attend free computer courses tailored to their needs as well as social skills cources directed towards more successful job search. End of May 2013 we organized computer workshop for elderly citizens. We helped them to learn basic use of computer-WORD, Internet, E-MAIL etc. The age of our attenders was  form 59-80 years old.

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It was a great experience for us librarians too because we learned a lot about our elderly citizens about their needs, wishes…

Also for all of them it was an opportunity to learn about E-mail, Skype, Internet, Facebook so that they can contact their children who live abroad or in other town. Just to see their happy faces as they just sent an Email or got one from their loved ones , was worth it.

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At moment we are prepearing for The Art workshop. This workhop has become a tradition.

It is organized in cooperation with Tourist Bord of Ilok and our Art teacher Mrs. Kristina Hrubik. The Art workshop takes place during our traditional Manifestation  Wine Harvest Event of Ilok in Sptember, This manifestation has been organized for 45 years and our cooperation started 6 years ago. For this workshop can apply children from 6-14 years (primary school).

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Every year we choose differnt  motif and paintig technic. This year the motif is grape harvest and the technic  is a pencil. We are looking forward to it!!!

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