The Plunge District Municipal Public Library (Lithuania) has celebrated the National Lithuanian Library Week (23-30 April)
On the occasion of its national celebration the library organised a series of events:
Representing book with an author,
A discussion about culture development possibilities in the district.
They started a cycle of Plunges’ stories. A series of Plunges’ stories are events that will be held in cycles, in which it will present and talk about the history of our city, choosing a specific topic.
During the National week, The Plunge District Municipal Public Library presented the first one, which is Interwar crimes in Plungė, and the event was held in the building were used to be a police station and short-term prison. An intriguing lecture tour about interwar crimes in Plunge was conducted this time by a specialist from the municipality, historian Gintaras Ramonas, journalist and publicist Eugenijus Bunka and former police officer and chief police commissioner Saulius Vaicekauskas.
Also, during this week, The Plunge District Municipal Public Library had few initiatives such us:
Bring a book to your friend or relative (basically They encourage people to borrow book not only for yourself, but also for a friend or Neighbour or so)
Small photo exhibition “Librarians are photographers”, and the staff could represent their favorite photo and exhibit.
The Plunge District Municipal Public Library cooperated with local coffee shop and left some cash from librarians for a coffee to any community member who would ask about Left coffee of librarians and encourage to do the same. It was a very successful initiative, because people did leave cash for other community members, that way they could have free coffee, talks, read book at the coffee and celebrate the National Lithuanian Library week in Plungė.
The library has shared with us two videos that we are sure you will all enjoy.
The first video: events during the national week
The second video: showing the things the library does throughout the years
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