Plunge District Municipal Public Library
Country: Lithuania
Description: We are cozy library in the small town Plungė in Lithuania. In 2012 The Plungė District Municipal Clock Tower Library began a new life, due to the fact that the library was moved to a reconstructed castle with a clock tower and adjacent greenhouse. The library building is a state protected cultural heritage site complete with restored mid-19th century clock mechanism and a very rare and well preserved example of a 19th century orangery. The clock tower, and now the library are part of the ensemble of Duke Mykolas Oginskis' estate. This Ducal ensemble is very important and significant in both a cultural, social and natural sense not only for the city but for the country as a whole. The library has taken on a new color and form and become an outstanding and unusual space with unique participation options culturally for both locals and tourists. This purposefully chosen location drastically breaks library concept norms and challenges the time tested ""dusty old library"" as a source of information while completely transforming the institution's image. One of our main goals is achieve to be recognized as modern and friendly library which is based in culture heritage object. Also to be a part of local community, to provide excellent, responsive, usefull service for all ages and encourge a lifelong love reading and learning, particularly in our young people, provide various tranings to them. The library offers not only traditional services devoted to promotion of reading and other educational activities but also provides and implements more comprehensive cultural projects, sutch as PhotoBiennials, Japan culture days, France culture days, variuos photography and contenporary art exhibitions, etc.
See all descriptionType of library: Library service with branch libraries
Population served: Between 10.000 and 100.000
- Activities for children and young adults
- Reading promotion
- Technology Literacy (Digital Literacy)
- Activities for children and young adults
- Activities for seniors
- Exchange of ideas and expertise
Languages spoken by staff: English, Russian, German, French, Latvian
Languages spoken by patrons: English, Russian, German
Preferred countries for cooperation: No preferences
Searching partners for European program: Yes
Participating in any European Union program: Yes