Municipal Library of Semily (Czech Republic) and Viana Public Library
“Francisco Navarro Villoslada”
 (Spain) have hold an exhibition with the drawings their children users have done showing their respective cities.

Children from schools of Semily and Viana drew emblematic places of their cities (squares, buildings, etc.), wich were sent to their respective Sister  Libraries, to be exhibited there. As  Iñaki Suso -librarian at Viana Public Library- explains, the exhibition has been a success in their library, so they had to keep it open for a few weeks, until International Book Day.

Here are some of the photos about the exhibition, one of Semily Public Library with drawings from Viana, and another three of Viana Public Library with drawings from Semily.

We’d like to congratulate  Iñaki Suso and Alena Matěchová, Director of Municipal Library of Semily for this innitiative. It’s a god example of how libraries can collaborate with schools in the development of enriching activities for children.