Today we have news from Maria Anunciação Gaspar from the Lousada Municipal Library:
The partnership between sister’s libraries of Lousada and Salamanca, the Public Library Torrente Ballester, was the motivation for the realization of a bio-bibliographic exhibition about the author Gonzalo Torrente Ballester, open to the public in Hall City Library during May and Jull .
This event is complemented with a multimedia presentation about the life and work of this eminent personality who excelled in various fields such as literature, literary critic and theater, teaching, drama and journalism.
This strong partnership has led to an experiences exchange and implementation of activities about the cities involved, as a basis for the promotion of reading works by Portuguese and Spanish, made by participants of the Library Friends Reading Club.
10 June, 2013 at 10:37 am
Podríamos poner la Fiesta Final de Curso de los clubes de lectura.
Q Antes de imprimir este mensaje, asegúrate que es necesario hacerlo. Proteger el medio ambiente está también en tu mano.
10 June, 2013 at 10:42 am
perfecto, nos lo podéis enviar a la dirección del blog: