Today we convey you a special thank you message from the creator  and promoter of the NAPLE Sister Libraries DayAleksandra Zawalska-Hawel,  the director of the Municipal Public Library in Piekary Slaskie in Poland.

Dear Susana and all Friends,

I also thank you very much for accepting my invitation to participate in this celebration. You created beautiful postcards and prepared interesting accompanying events! Congratulations! I hope that the message contained in our postcards will reach many people.

Especially thanks to Susana, who enthusiastically came to this idea and agreed to promote it. Thank you very much and Sister Libraries of Municipal Public Library in Piekary Slaskie that have decided to take part in our first celebration.


On our part, thank so much to all the libraries and a very special thanks and appreciation to Aleksandra, for all her hard work, initiatives, eagerness and willingness for cooperation, which you can see reflected in the number and quality of projects that ther library is engaged in and that make working with her so easy!

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