United Nation’s “World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development” is celebrated every 21th May, and was adopted by a resolution of the UN General Assembly, in 2002.

In their own words”acceptance and recognition of cultural diversity – in particular through innovative use of media and Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) – are conducive to dialogue among civilizations and cultures, respect and mutual understanding”.

Last 21th May, Biržai Municipality Public Library “Jurgis Bielinis” had the event “Youth Talk”, dedicated to the “World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development”. Indra Žilinskienė, from Biržai Public Library has shared with us the information about this event:

“The event was organized as a conference. We invited speakers from completely different sectors, such as art and culture, business, travel , social projects, social media, design, psychology, theater, lifestyle, etc. There were also foreign speakers from Greece and Italy. Presentations lasted about 20 minutes and went on for almost the whole day.











The event was in two languages – English and Lithuanian. The main idea of the event was to share own experience and ideas. All the speakers are very interesting people and have achieved some success in their lifes. We hope that the stories told by our speakers inspired and opened a new perspective on things for our audience. From the title it is clear that our target audience was young people. But the event was attended by representatives of both generations.

The conference was organized by Daria Bolokhova (Rusia). She is the international volunteer in the library until next September 2017”.