We are very happy to announce a new sistership in the Program: Public library Ánxel Casal at Santiago de Compostela (Spain) joined the program only a couple of weeks ago, and they have connected with Public Library “Viktor Car Emin” (Croatia). This is the third sistership of the Croatian library.

They’ve signed an agreement where they describe the activities they want to develop:

  • introducing the sister library to patrons throught book displays by native authors or written in native language,displays of photographs and tourist brochures about the sister library and their hometown;
  • learning about each others culture and heritage (for example, take similarities and make them advantage in our collaboration – like Saint James)
  • organizing themed reading programs, book discussion groups, ”two cities, one book”,
  • celebrating each others Library Day, Town’s Day, International Literacy Day, and similar,
  • visiting the sister library, getting familiar with each others collections, regular programs and services, meeting the staff, etc.

With this new sistership, NAPLE Sister Libraries has reached


 amongst all the participants!

Would you like to have a sister library as well? It’s very easy, you just have to fill in the e-Form. Once you become part of the program, we’ll guide you through the process!