We all know that “sistership” is the term currently used to describe the special relationships established between two communities. We also know that relations between brothers take very different forms and here it is a sample of it, our history of fraternal and interlibrary love that crosses borders, allowing the exchange of experiences that allow us to establish enriching professional and personal dialogues.
The Asturian libraries Menéndez Pelayo de Castropol and Vega-La Camocha of the Municipal Library Network of Gijón and the Croatian libraries of Prelog and Vodice, twinned in the NAPLE Sister Libraries program , have designed a “four-band” activity to celebrate the International Book and Copyright Day this year.
With this action we wanted to give joint visibility to the librarian work. And we are a professional sector in evolution, in a society that is also changing and to which we must adapt to be at the service of users. To show the multiple tasks that are carried out in the libraries every day is to highlight the diversity of competencies that we need to implement (or acquire them if we do not have them) to carry out our work and make the library a sociocultural space that meets the needs of the community. Design, identify, plan, create, manage, thrill, evaluate … are some of the verbs we have used these days.
The action, consisting of the publication on social networks Facebook, Twitter and Instagram of images related to library tasks using the hashtags # raduknjižnici, #work on libraries, #workinlibraries, in Croatian, Spanish and English, took place during the week of the 22nd to 27th April and was a real storm of actions, tasks and situations that gave visibility to library work and served us to discuss our day to day. Celebrate working or working celebrating International Book Day took us, in a fun way, to share activities and ideas without losing sight of one of the fundamental objectives of our work, enrich the experience of library users and grow as a social space .
And we have noted with joy that the lack of budget, which sometimes affects a lack of resources, services and activities, does not make us lick the wounds of any of the four libraries, thus finding one of our strong points in common.
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