The Interreg Europe is a programme from the European Commission that aims to improve the European cohesion through the interchange of experiences and Good Practice. They’ve been funding projects since 2015. Utena A. and M. Miskiniai Public Library (Lithuania) participates in an ambitious project called Interreg V-A Latvia – Lithuania Programme 2014-2020. This is the text where they explain the program:
Family digital activity hubs for wellbeing and education support will be established in Latvia – Lithuania border region libraries.
A leap in technology development brought major changes to the society. The lack of digital literacy skills is becoming a major problem. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has carried out a research and revealed that even though the general competences of the population in the Baltic region are sufficient, problem-solving skills invoking technologies are less than the average. With a purpose to reduce this problem, 4 libraries from Utena, Zarasai, Daugavpils and Preili joined their forces for new technology project „Creation of network of Family Digital Activity Hubs for Wellbeing and Education Support in Eastern Aukštaitija and Southern Latgale“(Nr. LLI-089).
The project is funded by Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme 2014-2020 ( It‘s task is to adapt different practices the libraries have and use that as a base to create new public service – Family Digital Activity Hubs (DigiHubs). DigiHubs would serve as technology cognition centers to people of various age, gender and social status.
When creating the new public service, it is planned to:
- Use unique experience of all four libraries to create a DigiHub model;
- Purchase and install innovative virtual reality, movement recognition, iBeacon, robots and 3D programming technologies;
- Create interactive content based on the existing heritage and local lore resources:
- Train DigiHubs‘ personnel on providing new services – assign technology mentors;
- Create a uniformed learning in DigiHubs methodology.
The unique aspect of the new service is that DigiHubs will transform the existing digital competences development practices:
- Digital literacy would be understood in a broader sense – as a positive aspect for continuous technological development.
- It will prompt family and intergenerational learning developing confidence, moral values and enabling more cohesive communities;
- The new service will be a mediator between digital technologies developers and society – it will help science and industries to reach target audiences.
People will be provided with an opportunity to get acquainted with scientific progress in technologies, their application in daily life, and benefits for society‘s welfare.
More information about the project can be provided by the project manager Laima Lapiniene.
Tel. 8 389 49156. E-mail:
This article has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this article are the sole responsibility of Utena A. and M. Miskiniai Public Library and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of European Union.
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