The Ivan Tavčar Library in Škofja Loka (Slovenia) has been cooperating with Lithuania’s Public library of Panevezys since 2015 through the NAPLE – sister libraries program. In summer 2021 we have also established a new sistership connection with the Public library Pyhäjoen Kirjasto in Finland.
The cooperation between the libraries started with an exhibition of Slovene literature in Finnish language in Pyhäjoki Library and a small exhibition of book displays highlighting children’s literature of Finnish Youth writers in Our Library.
In November 2021 an article on how libraries adapted to the situation during COVID-19 epidemic was published in the Kirjastolehti, Finnish professional journal for librarianship, taking into account the situation in Ivan Tavčar Škofja Loka Public Library, the Lithuania’s Public library of Panevezys and Finnish public libraries.
In December 2021, children from both Libraries exchanged impressions about holiday customs in Slovenia and in Finland. In a library workshop kids aged 8 to 14 created drawings and wrote letters about Christmas holidays in their country, then sent it to the sister library. It made a small exhibit of children’s crafts in each library and children were able to see how other countries are celebrating Christmas.
This year, 2022, it did a few more projects, including a trilingual storytelling in Finnish, Lithuanian and Slovene, along with an exchange of photographic exhibition Reading the mountains
Text by Neža Hribernik
Photos by Ivan Tavčar Public Library
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