Children literature department “Žalioji pelėda”/Green Owl, Public library, other branches of library Šiaurinė/North, Židinys/Fireplace, Šaltinėlis/Little spring, Žiburėlis/ Flachlight, Parkas/park, Smėlynė/Sandy
In difficult times of social quarantine, we took an online initiative addressed to children and adults.
From March 16, we have been implementing the series “The witch reads for children from attic”( look here, here, here), which consists in the fact that every day librarians read to children popular poems, fairy tales as well as fragments of books.
In this video you see Jessica’s Martinello’s fairy tale “Even monsters brush their teeth” inspired education how to make a playful dental monster or you can watch video lesson how to make a bunny-surprise.
We also introduce present news in our library – Kamishibai theater. Translated from Japanese, it means “paper theater or paper play”. In other words, it is a wooden box with a box and pictures. The essence of Kamishibai theater is a narrative (story or fairy tale) when illustrations are shown.
The librarian presented one Japanese fairy tale „Why do jellyfish have no bones“ and one famous fairytale „Three little pigs“ and showed them as Kamishibai performances (look here ).
The other branch of our library – Šiaurinė library prepared educational activities “Slieko Zigmučio pievelė /Earthworm Zigmutis grass”, for families with children (from 6 months to 3 years) (look here ).
In difficult times of social quarantine Panevezys City public library created educational videos how to order a publication, new publications presentations on the Youtube channel, created an interactive puzzle. The library actively participated in the Lithuanian National Library Week, provided visitors with various virtual promotions: puzzle, quizzes, literary map, visitors were invited to participate in the „ Coded message” competition. All digital literacy trainings for the residents of the project “Connected Lithuania“ are not held in libraries. We moved them to virtual space.
During Covid-time we are looking for new ways to stay in touch with our visitors, we are learning to work remotely and moving some of our services to a virtual space.
Librarians accepted the challenge, looked at the difficulties creatively, discovered new opportunities and ways to work differently.
Anžela Vasiliauskienė, librarian
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