Municipal Public Library in Piekary Śląskie has joined the nationwide campaign, which aims to promote reading and books, and to initiate fashion for reading.

The campaign was also aimed at integrating local community interested in activities for the development of reading, as well as promoting the library and highlighting its importance for reading education. 2472 institutions from all over Poland declared their participation in the campaign. The Municipal Public Library in Piekary Śląskie was one of them.

We did not think that so many young people would join us!

On June 8 together with the youth from the local schools, we went through a colorful procession through the city streets and in front of Municipal House of Culture we tried to establish a reading record in one place and in one moment.  Four hundred young people and the teachers read their favorite book with us.

We hope that it was an effective way to encourage young people to reading.This is the webpage of the innitiative: