Naple Sister Libraries

National authorities on public libraries in europe


World Book Day

Librarians and readers celebrated World Bicycle Day (Lithuania)

On the sunny day of June 2, the Panevėžys Elena Mezginaitė Public Library organized the campaign “Librarian and readers on a bicycle” to celebrate World Bicycle Day. Virginijus Benašas led the bike tour, a cycling and ecological lifestyle enthusiast. During… Continue Reading →

Cooperation activities: Book Day and Night 2023 from Prelog Municipal Library (Croatia)

This year’s Book Day/Book Night event in Croatian libraries was celebrated with the theme heading “Do robots dream of electric books?”. It was conceived to question the phenomenon of artificial intelligence, which is slowly but surely bringing changes to the… Continue Reading →

Book day activities from Oviedo Municipal Public Libraries Network (Spain)

Oviedo Municipal Public Libraries Network (Spain) celebrated The International Book Day with activities to share with everyone Their activities are detailed below:Book surprises: take a book home as a surprise Unimpeachable classics: a classic, cross out words and build your… Continue Reading →

Celebrating World Book Day and International Children’s Book Day at Vega-La Camocha Public Library (Spain)

We would like to share with you the activities of the Vega-La Camocha Public Library (Spain) organised to celebrate Book Day. Enjoy reading! Encounter with local author In addition to The Trunchbull affair , on the 28th of april, the… Continue Reading →

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