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Number of sistership established: 1

Country: Croatia

Contact: Romana Horvat. Email:

Description: "Public Library Daruvar is located in the center of town of Daruvar. The founder of the Library is the Town of Daruvar who is responsible to care about work of the Library and assist it in a financial way. The Library has a total space of 770 m². The Library has four departments: Department for Adults, Department for Children, Educational Department, and Central Library for Chech minority in the Republic of Croatia. The Library employs seven staff: Library Director, four librarians, an Accountant and a Cleaning lady. On December 31, 2010, the Library in total counted 40 868 book volumes, 560 audio books, 3 059 visual units, 332 electronic units, 200 toys, 45 newspapers and magazines, and approximately 1500 library members. The activities are moslty related to: - obtaining of library materials - expert analysis, protection and preserving of library materials, but also implementing measures of protction of library materials which is cultural well - creation of bulletins, catalogues, bibliography and other information related apparatus - participatig in the development of group catalogues and databases - enabling accessibility of libary materials and information to the clients according to their needs and demands - enabling using and borrowing of library materials and flow of information - stimulating and assisting clients in choosing and using of library materials, information apparatus and sources, and handling documentation regarding library materials and clients - organizing of different cultural and animation programs in library (creative workshops, lectures, book promotions....).

See all description

Type of library: Metropolitan

Population served: Between 10.000 and 100.000

Current library programs:
  • Activities for children and young adults
  • Activities for seniors
  • Activities in cooperation with other organizations
  • Gamification
  • Handcraft workshops
  • Health Literacy (healthcare workshops…)
  • Literary workshops
  • Music
  • Reading promotion
  • Technology Literacy (Digital Literacy)
Activities you want to do with your sister library:
  • Activities for children and young adults
  • Celebration of ephemeris
  • Exchange of ideas and expertise
  • Professional visits
  • Staff training

Languages spoken by staff: English, Russian and Czech languages.

Languages spoken by patrons: English, German, Czech

Preferred countries for cooperation: Czech Republic, Slovenia and Ireland

Searching partners for European program: No

Participating in any European Union program: No