Oeiras City Libraries
Country: Portugal
Contact: sofia.a.pinto@oeiras.pt
Description: Oeiras City Libraries is located in the greater Lisbon area, with a population of 170.000. We have 3 libraries, 1 Municioal Gallery, 31 school libraries and 4 beach libraries. We also support the Library Prison and the youth detention center. We have a wide variety of programs for our patrons in areas as reading promotion, digital literacy and children activities. Those programs where adapted to a digital edition during the pandemic, and are here to stay as this broke down a barrier of access to library services. We would like to highlight some of our programs: • Oeiras Internet Challenge is a project that we run every year, aims to sensitize the students of the Municipality of Oeiras to the importance of selection an evaluation of information obtained through search engines. In April 2021 we went from local to national edition and held a competition that had 90 students. (link here https://oeirasinternetchallengenacional.blogspot.com/); • Reading Groups: currently we held 3 groups, one for each library. We tried to adapt them to the online experience, and started an online group for short stories on Zoom. • Café com Letras (coffee with letters, as a rough translation) as a space for authors and readers to engage and talk about books, reading and fans meetings. We are hoping on returning soon to physical live sessions but, all of them will be transmitted through our Facebook page. Authors that had been here: Luís Sepulveda, Philippe Claudel, Richard Zimler, José Saramago, Jonathan Coe and many others. This project exists since 2006. • Ler olhos nos olhos (reading eye to eye, again as a rough translation) a project with authors (nacional and international), where literature is the star of the evening. • Digital literacy sessions is a series of hands on and one on one training meetings. The aim is to help people with basic needs in using day to day programs and apps. • Children activities like story time, creative writing workshops, STEM, illustration and drawing workshops. You can check out our library on social media (https://www.facebook.com/bibliotecasmunicipaisdeoeiras and https://www.instagram.com/bibliotecasmunicipaisdeoeiras/) and our catalogue web page (http://catalogo.cm-oeiras.pt/ and http://bibliotecas.cm-oeiras.pt/) for more information.
See all descriptionType of library: Library service with branch libraries
Population served: More than 100.000
- Activities for children and young adults
- Activities for seniors
- Activities in cooperation with other organizations
- Art promotion
- Book presentations (also meeting with authors)
- Celebration of ephemeris (Day of the library
- Conferences and seminars
- Culture promotion
- Debates
- Digitalization and Preservation
- Exhibitions
- Handcraft workshops
- Literacy
- Literary workshops
- Local culture (local heritage)
- Reading clubs (Book clubs)
- Reading promotion
- Science Literacy
- Storytelling
- Technology Literacy (Digital Literacy)
- Unemployment
- Activities for children and young adults
- Activities for seniors
- Celebration of ephemeris
- Cooperation with other organizations
- Digital Literacy
- Digitalization and Preservation
- e-Reading
- Exchange of ideas and expertise
- Exchange of information
- Exchange of resources
- Exhibitions
- Information Literacy programs
- Joint conferences and seminars
- Joint publications
- Library services for people with special needs
- Lifelong Learning programs
- Literacies (non-formal education)
- Planning of new library building
- Professional visits
- Promotion of local culture
- Promotion of multiculturalism and multilingualism
- Reading clubs
- Reading promotion
- Social media
- Staff interchange
- Staff training
- Storytelling
Languages spoken by staff: Portuguese, English, spanish
Languages spoken by patrons: Portuguese, English, spanish
Preferred countries for cooperation: Edinburgh City Libraries
Searching partners for European program: Yes
Participating in any European Union program: No