Juozas Keliuotis Rokiškis District Municipal Public Library
Country: Lithuania
Contact: rasavingeliene71@gmail.com
Description: Juozas Keliuotis Rokiškis District Municipal Public Library is an innovative, modern, environmentally friendly, and consumer-oriented institution. The Library fulfils cultural, information and educational functions. It organizes various training courses, seminars, meetings with writers and poets, takes part in different cultural, educational projects and other events. The Library hosts exhibitions and other cultural events which are open for all visitors. At present, services to the residents of the district are provided by the public library, 3 town and 34 village branch libraries. About 48% of the population use library services which makes up to 230 000 visitors to the libraries a year. All the libraries are provided with computers and public access to the Internet.
See all descriptionType of library: Library service with branch libraries
Population served: Between 10.000 and 100.000
- Activities for children and young adults
- Technology Literacy (Digital Literacy)
- Exchange of ideas and expertise
Languages spoken by staff: Lithuanian, Russian, English, Polish
Languages spoken by patrons: Lithuanian, Russian, English, Polish
Preferred countries for cooperation: No preferences
Searching partners for European program: Yes
Participating in any European Union program: Yes