Kuusamo city library /Kuusamon kaupunginkirjasto
Number of sistership established: 4
Country: Finland
Contact: ritva.niemelainen@kuusamo.fi
Description: Kuusamo area is 5500 km2. We have a main library and a library Naturpolis for students in the centre and mobile library goes around, 45.000 kms/year.
Type of library: Mobile library
Population served: Between 10.000 and 100.000
Current library programs:
- Reading promotion
Activities you want to do with your sister library:
- Exchange of ideas and expertise
- Exchange of information
- Professional visits
- Social media
- Staff interchange
Languages spoken by staff: Finnish, English, swedish, germany
Languages spoken by patrons: Finnish, English, Russian, Swedish
Preferred countries for cooperation: Ireland, Portugal
Searching partners for European program: No
Participating in any European Union program: No