Valença Municipal Library
Number of sistership established: 3
Country: Portugal
Description: It's a public library situated near several schools. It's a very modern buiding, only with five years. We have different spaces for adults, children and teenagers, a auditorium for 70 people, a corner to storytelling, etc. The staff is short (only 6 people) but young, very commited and enjoy very much what they are doing. And our town is in the border with Spain (Galiza).
Type of library: Mobile library
Population served: Between 10.000 and 100.000
- Activities for children and young adults
- Activities for seniors
- Activities in cooperation with other organizations
- Book presentations (also meeting with authors)
- Celebration of ephemeris (Day of the library
- Exhibitions
- Storytelling
- Technology Literacy (Digital Literacy)
- Exchange of ideas and expertise
- Exchange of information
- Exhibitions
Languages spoken by staff: English, Spanish and French
Languages spoken by patrons: Spanish, English, French
Preferred countries for cooperation: Spain, Irland, Finland and Slovenia
Searching partners for European program: No
Participating in any European Union program: No