Public Library Antonio Rendic Ivanovic Sutivan
Country: Croatia
Description: Small town library with one librarian in a touristic oriented place with season that lasts from may to september. Many seasonal members, during winter around 100 members, fund of around 8000 books and DVD-s. Lot of workshops all year round, mostly with children up to 14 years old. Library participate in a cultural programs during summer and winter, supports civil society associations.
Type of library: Rural
Population served: Less than 10.000
- Activities for children and young adults
- Technology Literacy (Digital Literacy)
- Exchange of ideas and expertise
- Exhibitions
Languages spoken by staff: English, Croatian
Languages spoken by patrons: Croatian, English
Preferred countries for cooperation: Sea-oriented countries with island libraries
Searching partners for European program: No
Participating in any European Union program: No