Naple Sister Libraries

National authorities on public libraries in europe


Castropol Public Library “Menéndez Pelayo” (Spain)

Special Christmas Collaboration

We would like to share with you a very special library collaboration activity between sister and partner libraries sent to us by the Prelog Municipal Library (Croatia): 🎄 This year, we embarked on a magical journey with our sister libraries… Continue Reading →

Christmas at the Library: a cooperation activity designed by four Sister Libraries

We’ve recieved a very interesting activity developed by 2 pairs of Sisters, 4 libraries (2 from Spain and 2 from Croatia) for Christmas. Croatian Prelog City Library and Vodice Public Library have came to an agreement with Castropol Municipal Library… Continue Reading →

Lessons learned: the “Work in Libraries” innitiative II/II

We all know that “sistership” is the term currently used to describe the special relationships established between two communities. We also know that relations between brothers take very different forms and here it is a sample of it, our history… Continue Reading →

The importance of the librarians: the “Work in Libraries” innitiative I/II

A few weeks ago we published a post about the activity “Work in Libraries”, designed by  4 Sister Libraries to celebrate the International Book Day. The goal was to give visibility to the work of the librarians. Maja Lesinger, one… Continue Reading →

Work in Libraries: a cooperative activity to celebrate International Book Day 2019

Four libraries in the program have joined together to develop an activity to celebrate the International Book Day 2019. These libraries are: Castropol Municipal library (Spain) and its Sister Prelog Municipal Library (Croatia) and  Vodice Public Library (Croatia) and its… Continue Reading →

Sister Libraries go to Brussels: Castropol Municipal library (Spain) invited by the EU Parliament

Last 16th December 2018, Municipal Public Library “Menéndez Pelayo” from Castropol went to Europe for the first time, in a 4 days visit, accompanied by representatives of the cultural and social institutions that cooperate in different projects with the library…. Continue Reading →

Spanish Sister Libraries at the Day of the Library

Every 24th October since 1997 the Day of the Library is celebrated in Spain. It’s an innitiative from the National Association of the Books for Children and Young Adults in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Sports. It seeks… Continue Reading →

Videos from our Sisters to commemorate we’ve reached 100

A few weeks ago we achieved 100 public libraries in the program. to commemorate it, we asked all the libraries in the program to send us a video that’ll show their thoughts about the program, their personal experience or a… Continue Reading →

Interest Points at Prelog Municipal Library (Croatia) and Castropol Public Library (Spain)

Public Libraries from Castropol and Prelog engaged in a sistership last 20th March 2018. They soon held a meeting via Skype to decide on the activities they’d be developing together within the sistership. The first activity,  in order to know… Continue Reading →

Knowing your Sister Library: a cooperative activity between Castropol and Prelog

Castropol Municipal Library (Spain) has recently engaged in a sistership with Prelog Municipal Library in Croatia. after a Skype meeting to discuss the activities to do in cooperation, they’ve sent us  the first fruits of the partnership. The first step… Continue Reading →

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